
IGES Summary

Indonesia was one of the 26 countries to sign the Copenhagen Accord in December 2009. It has set targets of 26% national emissions reductions by 2020 and 41% with international support. The major contribution to achieving these targets is expected to come from the forest sector (including peat lands), with land use change, forestry and peat fires understood to be responsible for over half of the national GHG emissions. Mitigation and adaption to climate change is now listed as one of the Ministry of Forestry’s eight priorities for the forestry sector for 2010 – 2014.

Indonesia has been active in the international negotiations on REDD-plus and has been described as an “epicentre” for REDD-plus activities. In 2009, the Government confirmed its participation in two international initiatives to support REDD-plus readiness activities: the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the UN-REDD Programme. At the national level, various activities are underway to formulate a REDD-plus strategy, a legal framework to regulate REDD-plus has been established, and work on a national reference emission level and on establishing a system to monitor GHG removals and emissions from forests is under way. At the sub-national level, several provincial governors are strong supporters of the REDD-plus concept and have issued decrees, established working groups, and encouraged the involvement of external actors to promote REDD-plus activities. REDD-plus demonstration activities and projects are either in the design phase or at early implementation stages across much of Indonesia.

See link below for latest IGES report on REDD+ readiness in Indonesia