IGES Summary
The REDD+ concept is highly relevant to Lao PDR, which has a large per
capita forest area, with relatively high per capita deforestation and
forest degradation. Given the fact that annual emissions from
deforestation and forest degradation are estimated to account for 72% of
the country’s total emissions, REDD+ could provide significant
opportunities to protect ecosystem services and increase the revenues
from the forest sector.
Since 2007, Lao PDR has made efforts to develop its national REDD+
system. This includes submission of the R-PIN (2008) and the R-PP (2010)
to the World Bank’s FCPF. However, overall REDD+ readiness is still at
an early stage. Outstanding challenges include formulation of the
national REDD+ strategy, development of institutional arrangements, as
well establishment of REL / RL, MRV and the safeguards monitoring
system. Also there is an urgent need to establish a legal basis for
REDD+ implementation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has
started to revise the forestry legal framework to address issues of
forest tenure and forest carbon rights / carbon use rights.
The organisational framework for REDD+ readiness has evolved and
national ownership of the REDD+ readiness progress appears to have
grown. The multi-sectoral REDD+ Task Force was reformed in 2011 and now
includes more state ministries and Lao civil society organizations. The
REDD+ Office was set up within the Department of Forestry to support the
Task Force and manage day-to-day REDD+ activities. However, the idea of
REDD+ is new in Lao PDR, and the government is still moving towards the
necessary multi-sectoral approach for REDD+ to have an impact on forest
management and use. The administrative capacity of the organisational
framework needs to be further developed to be in accordance with
existing national and sub-national institutions and structures.
While the government has tried to strengthen national ownership of
REDD+ readiness, REDD+ readiness still relies largely on bilateral and
multilateral support at both national and sub-national levels. Key
support from donors include the World Bank’s FCPF and Forest Investment
FIM (Japan) and SUFORD (Finland, World Bank). Given this variety of
support, the government has an important role to play in ensuring
coordination between donor activities and programmes in accordance with
the government’s policy and its involvement in the FCPF process.
At the sub-national level, several REDD+ demonstration activities
and feasible studies are being planned and/or implemented by donors and
NGOs. REDD+ demonstration activities cover different forest types,
including production forest (SURFORD), protected areas (CliPAD) and
village forests (PAREED), and they apply different approaches to
tackling deforestation, and different standards for addressing forest
carbon monitoring and safeguards. There is no guideline or formal
procedure to prepare and implement REDD+ projects. To support
implementation of REDD+ demonstration activities and draw useful lessons
from them, the government should establish a national guideline and
formal approval process, as well as coordinate the REDD+ projects under
the REDD+ Task Force.
Follow the link below for the full IGES report.